Results for: Wil Wheaton

Whoops! How do celebs who wanted to #StandWithWendy feel about Davis now?
– #StandWithWendy — Wil Wheaton (@wilw) June 26, 2013 I’m falling asleep at my desk, so I have to call it a night. … — Wil Wheaton (@wilw) June 26, 2013 @WendyDavisTexas you stand for all of us who believe woman are in charge of their own bodies…
'Maybe the same reason'? Hillary's self-awareness gets wake-up calls after slamming Trump on tax returns…ts-wake-up-calls-after-slamming-trump-on-tax-returns-n505349
– Probably for the same reasons Secretary Clinton won't release her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts. — Wil … 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) May 11, 2016 Her criticism is undermined by her refusal to release her speech…
Piers Morgan has thoughtful response to NRA's call for self-defense (just kidding!)…response-to-nras-call-for-self-defense-just-kidding-n512096
– — Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) June 14, 2016 Hey, why should Wil Wheaton have a monopoly on F-bombing…
Left attacks San Francisco Chronicle writer over a single question about climate change…e-writer-over-a-single-question-about-climate-change-n548635
– — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) November 13, 2016 Stop trying folks, @debrajsaunders…
Obama Strategy vs. ISIS revealed: John Kerry 'copters into' the fight in Iraq!…aled-john-kerry-039copters-into039-the-fight-in-iraq-n352742
– Related: Wil Wheaton: Republicans trying to scare Americans about ISIS to sway election Geraldo: CNN host a ‘dope’ for believing…
Have you seen Wil Wheaton's Kindle?
– Wesley Crusher needs your help, and where better to ask for it than Twitter? He’s got a sense of humor about his predicament: But after a while, maybe it’s not quite so funny. It really sucks to lose something you like....
SERIO?! Chelsea Clinton accidentally proves she's got WAY too much free time on her hands…proves-shes-got-way-too-much-free-time-on-her-hands-n592919
– Shannon Watts and Wil Wheaton for example have blocked more people than possibly even exist on Twitter … but since Trump is the president…
Yes, David Axelrod ... TELL US MORE about doing 'nothing' about gun violence
– background checks for AR-15s in Texas — Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) November 6, 2017 Adam Baldwin CALLS OUT WilWheaton over ‘sack of s*it’ hot take on Sutherland Springs — Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) November 6, 2017…
LA Times left out a few crucial details in tweet about awful shooting in San Bernardino…ails-in-tweet-about-awful-shooting-in-san-bernardino-n579923
– *** Related: After San Bernardino shooting, Wil Wheaton lashes out at… (just guess) — Twitchy Team (@…
Wil Wheaton, other dishonest libs spin Ann Romney's RNC speech as slam on gay marriage…pin-ann-romney039s-rnc-speech-as-slam-on-gay-marriage-n71581
– — Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) August 29, 2012 Actor Wil Wheaton also got in on the action. … — Wil Wheaton (@wilw) August 29, 2012 He was swiftly taken to task by a gay conservative.…
Wil Wheaton declares NSA leaker 'more patriotic' than Congress
Wil Wheaton today declared the unidentified leaker to have a greater respect for the Constitution than the members of Congress who…
A bigger train wreck? Wil Wheaton starts hashtag: #TeamSinglePayerHealthCare
– The administration has done such a bang-up job managing the current attempt to implement Obamacare, so why not go all the way and let them run the entire health care system? So far there are several tweeters who want the government to go all in, because Team Obama has...
Donald Trump takes victory tour. Liberals react to his speech
– that — Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) December 2, 2016 Fucking despicable. — Wil … 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) December 2, 2016 He is an ass!!…
Are you on the naughty list? Twitter announces new round of account suspensions…t-twitter-announces-new-round-of-account-suspensions-n719198
Wil Wheaton boycotts Twitter until @Jack bans Alex Jones — Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) August 14, 2018…
Nice TRY: Lefty rag gets DRAGGED for claiming 'Repub men' upset with babies being allowed in Senate…repub-men-upset-with-babies-being-allowed-in-senate-n666729
Wil Wheaton endorsing Brianna Wu for Congress is the funniest thread you’ll read today Class is in SESSION: David French SCHOOLS angry…
William Shatner explores strange new world of Reddit's Star Trek forum
– William Shatner and Wil Wheaton are both posting on Reddit tonight. One is about stoned dogs, the other is AMA interest.…
Ezra Klein suggests that single-payer is solution to 'absurd' US health care system…le-payer-is-solution-to-absurd-us-health-care-system-n254285
Wil Wheaton starts hashtag: #TeamSinglePayerHealthCare ‘This is all they really want’: John Podesta signs up for Medicare, calls…
For realz GRAMMY? Hillary's tweet to Doug Jones about elections sets HYPOCRISY meters the EFF OFF…es-about-elections-sets-hypocrisy-meters-the-eff-off-n633473
– Related: OOPS: Wil Wheaton bitches at Twitter for not ‘removing the Nazis,’ faceplants over his own FASCISM Taylor Swift’s happiness…
DON'T be Keith: DBag Keith Olbermann exploits Portland stabbing to attack Trump on #MemorialDay…its-portland-stabbing-to-attack-trump-on-memorialday-n589663
– Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 29, 2017 We watched Joss Whedon, Alyssa Milano, Chelsea Handler, Sarah Silverman, Wil Wheaton (even…
SHAMEFUL: Jake Tapper calls GARBAGE person Roger Stone OUT for trashing Barbara Bush on InfoWars (video)…tone-out-for-trashing-barbara-bush-on-infowars-video-n666734
Wil Wheaton endorsing Brianna Wu for Congress is the funniest thread you’ll read today Class is in SESSION: David French SCHOOLS angry…
Can't EVEN! Alyssa Milano’s latest gun control Trump-SLAM deserves the BOSS of ALL reality checks…l-trump-slam-deserves-the-boss-of-all-reality-checks-n624082
– Related: Debra Messing helps lift Left’s ‘blame NRA/GOP’ narrative to ‘despicable’ new heights Too LITTLE too LATE: Wil Wheaton tries…
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