Nancy Pelosi loved to preach about norms during the Trump administration, but once Joe Biden took the oath of office? Well, those norms just aren’t worth preserving anymore.
That’s why she’s got absolutely no problem whatsoever with Biden’s blatantly unconstitutional extension of the eviction moratorium.
Thing is, she does know that it’s unconstitutional, which means she also knows that she’s still got to do what she can to sell the public on it. So here’s how she’s doing it:
PELOSI: Without the eviction moratorium, "could you just imagine families on the streets? Baby cribs, personal belongings on the street while people had to find another place to live?"
— (@townhallcom) August 6, 2021
Yes, Nancy. Could you just imagine?
Where did I already see that?
— Judge & Jury (@davesahd) August 6, 2021
Does anyone know what the homelessness situation is like in San Francisco?
— (@townhallcom) August 6, 2021
Hey, that’s just Nancy’s home turf. You can’t expect her to know what’s going on there.
Wouldn’t she just have to walk around her own district?
— Peter White (@WhiteAnima) August 6, 2021
Why it would look like her district!
— Ken Snyder (@KenSnyder4) August 6, 2021
So like her home district?
— Raziel Trismegistus-Forlorn Seeker (@BobBusch12) August 6, 2021
You mean…. like your city?
— Shadalilam (@shadalilam) August 6, 2021
Just to to san fran and you don't have to imagine anymore.
— 🔫 (@gunetools) August 6, 2021
Sounds like she's describing the scene in San Francisco.
— James Gain (@JamesGain6) August 6, 2021
Don't have to imagine. Go to SF, LA and other liberal cities right now & you will see tents set up on the streets.
— Falo Yensid (@GoshJad) August 6, 2021
In other words, America would look like parts of her district have for years?
— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) August 6, 2021
Out of touch Pelosi likely never looks at the homeless population that has been there in her district for years. She is safely tucked away in her mansion enjoying her gourmet ice cream.
— RidiculouslySpoiledCat❌ (@spoiled_the) August 6, 2021
Showing she never actually walks the streets of the place she supposedly lives. She should check out L.A. and Seattle too while she's at it.
— Ace Bragg (@Ace_Bragg) August 6, 2021
Just imagine @SpeakerPelosi …
Oh wait, you don’t need to imagine.
Maybe tour your constituents “neighborhoods”.— Mom’sAdrift (@Momx4x6) August 6, 2021
@SpeakerPelosi Nancy, clearly you have no clue that your constituents are already living that way.
— UTmama (@UTmama67) August 6, 2021
You can see it on the streets of San Francisco every day of the week, 24/7.
— BayAreaFrau (@bayareahausfrau) August 6, 2021
Dems like Nancy Pelosi apparently want to see it everywhere.
Translation: We solve the homelessness problem that we created by shifting the burden to the landlords.
— Jezos (@BeanDipChamp) August 6, 2021
meanwhile broke landlords might be the ones on the streets with baby cribs and personal belongings…
— K J Gillenwater (@kjgillenwater) August 6, 2021
If we don't stop this eviction moratorium, my family is about to be on the streets. I have used all of my savings to pay mortgages on my rental properties and only have the funds to keep this up for about 3 more months. After that, me AND my tenants are going to be on the streets
— Just an old fart (@stauber) August 6, 2021
Well, that’s just a price that Nancy Pelosi and Democrats are willing to pay.
They want the landlords to foreclose. Watch how many rich people swoop in and buy properties at record lows. The landlords will become bankrupt. Most homes are owned by mom and pops. They are middle class people getting crushed by the government.
— JDS (@JDStunda) August 6, 2021
Landlords are losing everything you hobgoblin
— Ronin (@OldW0LFLY) August 6, 2021
What about the landlords now living on the streets or are having all their personal properties foreclosed on? I hate this woman. She is so out of touch with reality!
— Robin O'Connor (@roconnor12) August 6, 2021
Lucky for Nancy Pelosi, the only real dilemma she faces is which flavors of gourmet ice cream to buy.
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