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Powerful thread explains how 'AOC is advocating for rape, misery, life-long severe trauma, and child abuse' by trying to normalize 'sex work'

As Twitchy told you, AOC recently responded to an admittedly dumb and pointless New York Post story on a New York City paramedic with an OnlyFans account to supplement her income by dumbly proclaiming that “sex work is work.”


It’s one thing to point out that the woman shouldn’t be put on blast for choosing to put herself out there, so to speak. But AOC is essentially glorifying sex work, and she doesn’t deserve the fawning treatment she’s getting from woke lefty feminists.


Quite a few of AOC’s critics actually pointed out that “sex work” isn’t so much “work” as it is exploitative, abusive, and dangerous.

This thread in particular offers a powerful rebuttal to AOC’s attempt to wrap “sex work” up in a pretty package:


That’s an important point: Lauren Kwei, the subject of the New York Post’s story, apparently did her OnlyFans work of her own volition. Many other so-called “sex workers” don’t have that luxury.


With one more note:

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