As Twitchy told you, Hillary’s loudly come out against TPP. After loudly being for it. It was a long, agonizing (read: blatantly politically motivated) decision, one she arrived at after learning a tough lesson, according to CNN senior Washington correspondent Jeff Zeleny:
The opposition to TPP from .@HillaryClinton shows that flexibility — over standing her ground — is one lesson learned from 2008.
— Jeff Zeleny (@jeffzeleny) October 7, 2015
— Ryan (@chasinghumility) October 7, 2015
Is that what they’re calling it these days?
.@jeffzeleny yeah, go with that one I guess #ThisIsCNN
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) October 7, 2015
@jeffzeleny Spin, spin, spin. @HillaryClinton
— It's Only Words (@itsonlywords) October 7, 2015
@jeffzeleny @HillaryClinton I'm old enough to remember when this was called "flip-flopping."
— Shane Styles (@shaner5000) October 7, 2015
Yes, that's right: when Hillary does it, it's admirable flexibility, a "lesson learned." But when ROMNEY did it…
— The Nats Won The World Series (@EsotericCD) October 7, 2015
is sarcasm? satire?
please help. dont understand.
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) October 7, 2015
@jeffzeleny @HillaryClinton Flip flops on issues regularly show "flexibility" and are good? Did you get paid for this? Or is it "in kind"?
— Bert Difig (@BertDifig1) October 7, 2015
lol some call it having no principles, being opportunistic, and weak willed, but @jeffzeleny calls it "flexibility"
— ¡El Sooopèrr! ن c137 (@SooperMexican) October 7, 2015
Seriously, though. You were just transcribing the talking points memo the Clinton campaign handed you, right?
— RBe (@RBPundit) October 7, 2015
Evidently that’s what Chuck Todd was up to as well.
@jeffzeleny Weird. @chucktodd just said the same thing.
— The Streeter (@thestreeter) October 7, 2015
Pretty much:
Clinton tried consistency with Iraq vote in 2008 and that didn't turn out well. So maybe that was among lessons learned for TPP and labor
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) October 7, 2015
C’mon, dude. Seriously?
@chucktodd Is this seriously Chuck Todd of NBC or a faux account trying to make him look like a stupid sycophant?
— Just the Facts Ma'am (@RandolphVernon) October 7, 2015
No, it’s really him. He makes himself look like a shameless sycophant all on his own.
@chucktodd "Clinton tried consistency". Delicious.
— Lucas (@Bob_Cock) October 7, 2015
@chucktodd That whole "consistency" narrative has been circulated, I see.
— Victoria Mitchell ✝️ (@viczin1669) October 7, 2015
@chucktodd Looks like media already got playbook together on this one. "Lying shows how smart she is!"
— Small Gov Lizard (@smallgovlizard) October 7, 2015
Word of advice to Zeleny, Todd, and their fellow Hillary lapdogs:
Hey Political Media, please do a better job of regurgitating the Clinton Campaign talking points. You're making it too obvious.
— RBe (@RBPundit) October 7, 2015
And if that doesn’t work:
‘This is humiliating’: ‘Queen Flip Flopper’ Hillary comes out against her beloved TPP
Did TPP flip-flopper Hillary even READ her book before sending it to GOP candidates?
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