Except maybe for “Really? REALLY?”
Earlier today, President Obama spoke with the Greek prime minister:
White House: Greek PM Tsipras has spoken with Pres. Obama to discuss his proposal to tackle Greece’s financial crisis – @JordynPhelps
— ABC News (@ABC) July 7, 2015
A senior administation official confirms that President Obama spoke this AM to Greek PM Alexis Tsipras, details to come…
— Julie Davis (@juliehdavis) July 7, 2015
During that call, he reportedly doled out this piece of advice:
WH official confirms Pres Obama spoke today with Greek PM Tsipras. WH urging Greece to agree to plan for econ growth & debt sustainability.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) July 7, 2015
Ha! The man has no self-awareness. None whatsoever.
@markknoller Really a that is Rich coming from Obama! The biggest spender in American history!
— Steve (@MACHTink) July 7, 2015
323 billion? I'll show you clowns how to rack up 9 trillion. @markknoller
— MRA_Con (@MRA_Con) July 7, 2015
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