Symone D. Sanders is a Democratic political strategist and CNN political commentator. She is also, as it happens, a flaming idiot.
Check out this scorchingly scorching-hot take on the murder of Mollie Tibbetts:
Mollie Tibbetts was murdered b/c she told a man to leave her alone while she was jogging. Her murderer happens to be undocumented. This isn’t about border security. This is about toxic masculinity. Mollie Tibbetts lost her life b/c a man couldn’t take her saying no. Full stop.
— Symone D. Sanders (@SymoneDSanders) August 22, 2018
She lost her life because she was murdered. Suggesting it had anything to do with the absurd notion of “toxic masculinity” is an insult to Tibbetts’ memory.
Her murderer actually might not even be undocumented. Regardless it is problematic for people to characterize an entire community based off the actions of one person. The majority of mass shootings in America are carried out by white men. So are we going to round them all up?…
— Symone D. Sanders (@SymoneDSanders) August 22, 2018
That logic is asinine, archaic and flawed. I’d love if we could have a real conversation about how women’s lives are literally in danger because some men do not know how to check their egos. How many more women have to die before we can address this?…
— Symone D. Sanders (@SymoneDSanders) August 22, 2018
But enough about your logic, Symone.
Lest we continue to defile the life of #MollieTibbets with racist garbage some folks think is politically expedient that does nothing to address the root cause of the issue. Just stop.
— Symone D. Sanders (@SymoneDSanders) August 22, 2018
The root cause of the issue? The root cause is that Cristhian Rivera wanted to kill Mollie Tibbetts. You stop, Symone.
New talking point. It's okay to politicize Tibbitts if we can find a way to blame masculinity.
— GOP Pouncer (@Mellecon) August 22, 2018
And to be a hypocrite, to boot:
Self Awareness: Potato
— GOP Pouncer (@Mellecon) August 22, 2018
lol "Blaming an entire group of people is bad. THAT'S WHY WE MUST BLAME MEN!"
— The Crazee™ Code ? (@Crazizzle) August 22, 2018
God help you. What a twisted take.
— Doug Stokes (@mediadudester) August 22, 2018
This is so dumb…. murderers are sick and crazy and people like you and others pushing an agenda over a young women’s death are horrible. This isn’t about border security or toxic masculinity. This is about a sick murderer who took a beautiful woman’s life. Sad.
— Lilly (@fluffykoalaa) August 22, 2018
There’s something toxic here, all right. But it’s not masculinity.
Actually, judging by this tweet, the problem in America is toxic stupidity.
— Rusty Weiss ??? (@rustyweiss74) August 22, 2018
— Rebel in PHX ?? (@Rebel_Mike) August 22, 2018
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