Between slamming business owners and Bain Trutherism, Team Obama is bizarrely continuing to focus on Mitt Romney’s tax returns. Wow, what a busy week full of disgusting for Team Obama! Mitt Romney responded today with calls for the most transparent administration evah to release Operation Fast and Furious documents, currently under executive privilege. Hey, disclosure and all!
And this time, the disclosure is actually important. What is President Obama hiding?
Romney: Why Won’t Obama Release Fast and Furious Documents? | Jammie Wearing Fools
— EJ ?? ⛳️ (@NCHornet) July 16, 2012
Romney’s statement on “Fox & Friends” this morning, via The Examiner:
“If we want to talk about transparency, the real issue is: Why has this President used his presidential power and executive to keep information about Fast and Furious program from being explained to the American people?” asked Romney. “This is not some personal matter, this is the action of his administration.”
Twitter users approve of this message.
RT @chasepolitics: Finally, Romney mentions "Fast and Furious" operation. What is Obama hiding? Details at
— Paul Delaney (@gipperguy) July 16, 2012
Obama should release Fast and Furious docs RT @reidepstein On MSNBC, Jen Psaki says Romney should release "minutes of the Bain meetings."
— Cindy Cooper (@CindyCoops) July 16, 2012
Any chance we get the fast and furious files?RT @DWStweets: Calling on Mitt Romney to come clean with Americans and release his tax returns
— Enough (@EnoughPartisan) July 16, 2012
Some were rather prescient, yet again.
I'll pretend they read my tweets. Good job. RT @dcexaminer: Romney: Why won't Obama release Fast and Furious documents?
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) July 16, 2012
And this Twitter user sums it up in a sad nutshell.
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