Speaker Boehner and Eric Cantor also weighed in on President Obama’s pathetic economy briefing today.
Like Senator McConnell, neither one minced words and called President Obama out on his woeful incompetence and his delusional claim that the private sector is “doing fine.”
Cantor: Mr. President, are you kidding? Did he see the jobs numbers that came out last week? The private sector is not doing fine.
— Cristina Marcos (@cimarcos) June 8, 2012
House Majority Leader Cantor cited Pres Obama saying the private sector is doing fine. "Are you kidding?" said Cantor in response.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) June 8, 2012
In brief appearance before reporters, Boehner said if US doesn't get busy dealing with the debt, it'll soon be in same shape as Europe.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) June 8, 2012
Cantor says the private sector is not doing fine – not because of the Euro Zone or the GOP – but because of Admin failed stimulus policies.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) June 8, 2012
RT @markknoller: Speaker Boehner to Pres Obama: "Mr President – take it from me – the private sector is not doing well."
— Melissa Mackenzie (@MelissaTweets) June 8, 2012
RT @jamiedupree: Speaker Boehner gives a quick thumbs down to Obama idea to send money to local governments to prevent layoffs
— streiff (@streiffredstate) June 8, 2012
And, bingo.
Cantor's Republican-led House has passed 27 job-creation bills that have gone on to die in Democrat Majority Leader Reid’s Senate.
— David Bossie (@David_Bossie) June 8, 2012
Your move, Mr. President. If you can avoid those pesky headwinds, of course.
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