We can’t imagine which vice presidential pick would have garnered Big Labor’s approval, so it’s not surprising to see labor unions line up to disapprove of the Paul Ryan candidacy.
Aligning w/ the poster-child for ending medicare & SS puts to rest any suggestion that Romney has a clue what the middle-class needs
— Richard Trumka (@RichardTrumka) August 11, 2012
Ryan’s speech this morning was met with boos at the “Workers Stand for America” rally in Philadelphia.
News of Romney's Ryan VP pick draws hearty & prolonged boo at #ws4a rally in Philly
— AFL-CIO ✊??️? (@AFLCIO) August 11, 2012
Trumka later appeared at the rally alongside DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, telling the crowd that the economy needs to grow from the “bottom up” and the “middle out.” He also warned that opponents of the unions’ vision of prosperity “had better get out of our way because we are going to run up their chests, come down their heads and come down on their backs.”
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka vows to run over anyone who gets in the unions way at Philly rally http://t.co/7KyEBskx Via @JRossman12
— Red Alert Politics (@RedAlert) August 11, 2012
National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel issued a press release on Ryan’s selection, saying it “indicates that once again [Romney] chose the corporate fat cats and Wall Street barons over students, teachers, bus drivers, nurses and secretaries.”
NEA Prez: @RepPaulRyan has misguided position on ed issues w/ @edvotes against full funding for head start, expanding access to higher ed
— NEA Public Relations (@NEAMedia) August 11, 2012
NEA Prez: @MittRomney's #veep pick in @RepPaulRyan shows he favors corporate fat cats over kids
— NEA Public Relations (@NEAMedia) August 11, 2012
NEA Prez: @MittRomney #VPpick was architect of budget that would have gutted Medicare for failed voucher program http://t.co/b0o5WSu6
— NEA Public Relations (@NEAMedia) August 11, 2012
By choosing @RepPaulRyan as #VPpick, @MittRomney double downs on view that ed, opportunity belongs to only those who can afford it
— NEA Public Relations (@NEAMedia) August 11, 2012
@RepPaulRyan wants to cut the federal program(Soc Sec) that got him through #college after his father died.
— NEA Public Relations (@NEAMedia) August 11, 2012
Mitt Romney’s choice of Rep Paul Ryan as running mate shows how out of touch he is with America’s education needs: http://t.co/vEx8ckvE
— NEA Education Votes (@edvotes) August 11, 2012
Service Employees International Union president Mary Kay Henry also spoke through a brief prepared statement, citing Ryan’s “extremist, irresponsible and anti-worker agenda.” Added Henry, “His no-holds barred record of attacking seniors, children, and working men and women is frightening for the 99 percent of Americans who are not rich.”
Statement by SEIU President Mary Kay Henry on Mitt Romney's Vice President Running Mate Choice of Rep. Paul Ryan: http://t.co/Pw8nShpw
— SEIU (@SEIU) August 11, 2012
American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten kept the class warfare flowing through a series of tweets.
The pick reinforces the choice between two competing philosphies and values- fair shake vs. you are alone."@TonyDeCarlo84:.. that Ryan is
— Randi Weingarten (@rweingarten) August 11, 2012
Romney/Ryan ticket stands 4 creating more wealth for those who already have&telling rest of America:You’re on your own http://t.co/WZCnW61P
— Randi Weingarten (@rweingarten) August 11, 2012
Ryan VP pick makes crystal clear the election is a choice b/t helping middle class and helping only the wealthiest http://t.co/WZCnW61P
— Randi Weingarten (@rweingarten) August 11, 2012
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