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'This is ridiculous': Tennessee under fire for legislation to ban wine deliveries to homes

There’s growing anger at the state of Tenessee from a fair number of people we follow on a daily basis over proposed legislation that will ban shipments of wine to homes in the state:


From Avalara, a business provider of tax service to companies:

A bill making its way through the Tennessee Legislature would make it illegal for fulfillment houses in the United States to ship wine to Tennessee consumers on behalf of licensed wineries. If House Bill 0742 or its companion Senate Bill is 0705 enacted, wine drinkers in the Volunteer State could soon be unable to purchase wine from their favorite wineries.

This bill caught wineries and consumers by surprise. If enacted, it could take business away from licensed fulfillment houses that do exactly what they’re authorized to do: Store wine on behalf of licensed wineries and ship it on their behalf via common carrier directly to consumers in Tennessee and other states. At this point, the motivation behind the bill is unclear.

Shouldn’t we be “FIXING prohibition-era laws” and not adding to them?


More on Tennessee’s motivation:

Of note, the legislation does have “the support of local wholesalers and retailers”:


Emily Zanotti, who may be moving to Tennesse after The Daily Signal announced it was moving to the state from California, is not a fan:

We’ll keep you posted.


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