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'The Internet Doesn't Forget': WH's Attempt to Wrap Biden in 'One Flag' for 'One America' Is a FAIL

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

The November election is less than five months off, and Biden's campaign knows they have some ground to make up in midwestern battleground states:

In May 2024, polls in swing states Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin showed incumbent President Joe Biden trailing former President Donald Trump nearly all seven states surveyed. According to the survey, Joe Biden held a narrow advantage of one percentage point in Michigan.

Suddenly the America despising leftists who control this administration know what they have to do to woo more voters in the Midwest: Pretend Biden's only goal is to turn the country into a Normal Rockwell painting, complete with baseball, hot dogs and apple pie.

The activist/agitator/Soros-loving campaign organizers managed to find some American flags their side hasn't torched in the last few years, and they're featured in a new Biden ad: 

They really hope nobody remembers anything -- it's the Biden campaign's only hope.

Yep! That's them!

Nice try, Biden campaign, but these people certainly aren't Republicans:

From now until the election we'll be expected to believe the Dem side is more patriotic than a USO show headlined by Bob Hope.

Then there's Team Biden's "one America" faux unity attempt. Yep, the same ones that did this: 

"One America" -- except for the half of it that are despicable racists who are a "threat to democracy" ("democracy" as usual being defined as threats to Democrats retaining as much power as possible).


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