The Covid-19 pandemic has brought with it many calls to “trust the science” (Dr. Fauci has even claimed that he IS the science), all while the constantly moving goalposts, one-eighties and nonsensical edicts have sparked a fresh round of skepticism.
Actor Rainn Wilson of “The Office” fame wonders what happened:
When I was a kid in the 70s & 80s, science had put us on the moon, cured Polio & created the computer. EVERYONE, regardless of politics, loved & trusted science & scientists. What do u think happened?
— RainnWilson (@rainnwilson) January 5, 2022
First of all, “EVERYONE” loved and trusted scientists?
"EVERYONE, regardless of politics, loved & trusted science & scientists"
Boy is that just not true.
— Sunny McSunnyface (@sunnyright) January 5, 2022
As for the last few years, there are so many ways to respond to what Wilson’s astonishment that everybody doesn’t just “trust the science and scientists”:
Scientists became political and burned down their credibility to score cheap points for purely political goals.
Any other questions?
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) January 5, 2022
It’s really that simple. Many in the replies also blamed Fox News, Reagan etc., but the real reasons are quite simple…
They got caught lying multiple times for personal advancement and financial gain. They’ve been proven to lie about the science with no sense of morality and a deep seeded internal need to stick with the conformity of their peers.
— Sloth (@GettinCancelled) January 5, 2022
Well Michael Mann's climate emails were leaked where he admitted to pushing false climate alarmism and Anthony Fauci has been wrong on COVID as much as he was wrong on AIDS.
Hope this helps.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) January 5, 2022
Political agendas thinly disguised as “science” aren’t difficult to spot (well, for some they are obviously).
Politics is what happened.
There should be no left or right in science, but here we are.
— BayAreaFrau (@bayareahausfrau) January 5, 2022
1960’s radicals infiltrated America’s educational system and set about to mold/shape young minds. Those “minds” are now today’s scientists. The majority of them view science through the lens of social justice and equality, and their work is agenda-driven. Science is now garbage.
— Ian McKelvey (@ian_mckelvey) January 5, 2022
Plying scientists with money, validation and fame if only they say politically expedient things happened.
Professionally ruining them for not saying the politically expedient things happened,
— Bohemio of the Reeeeing Twenties (@El__Bohemio) January 5, 2022
The “experts” who told us walking alone on the beach was deadly also told us that mass gatherings for BLM protests were healthy
— Lolly (@Publius1231) January 5, 2022
Political agendas? What political agendas?
Liberal corruption happened
— Reddeux (@UmaNimet) January 5, 2022
Lies to support the Democrat agenda derailed any hope of truth
— 007 (@broncoblu) January 5, 2022
He must not have seen how junk science became a real thing in the 90’s and has only gotten worse.
— Deedo 🌲💮⛄ (@Deedo_70) January 5, 2022
Science is supposed to be skepticism personified. It has been perverted by its politicization into a propaganda arm of policy makers. That’s not science.
— MICHAEL JAMES II Michael James (@GSmooks) January 5, 2022
Things like this also add to the skepticism:
The signs at Glacier National Park warning that its signature glaciers would be gone by 2020 are being changed. They were added more than a decade ago to reflect climate change forecasts at the time by the US Geological Survey, a park spokeswoman says.
— CNN (@CNN) January 8, 2020
The “Chicken Little” factor hasn’t gained the science community or the media that uncritically cover it any extra credibility.
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