Earlier we told you about Bernie Sanders leaving a little detail out of his case for tuition-free college, but he quickly pivoted to charter schools with this pledge if he’s elected president:
Charter schools are led by unaccountable, private bodies, and their growth has drained funding from the public school system. When we are in the White House we will ban for-profit charter schools. https://t.co/LGY3ZaWiVm
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) May 17, 2019
As president I will stand with groups like the @NAACP and put a moratorium on federal funding of new charter schools until rules are in place to make sure they are operating with transparency and accountability.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) May 17, 2019
Is there anything that can’t be made “better” by federal government control?
They're unaccountable?? If they don't deliver, they lose students. The only schools that are unaccountable are the public schools.
— Covfefeisforclosers (@georgereedy) May 17, 2019
If something isn’t directly accountable to Bernie Sanders and progressives in the federal government, he considers that entity to be unaccountable.
The implication that a for profit business is LESS accountable than schools run by govt. bureaucrats is comical. But thanks for the chuckle
— Curt Allen (@curtallen14) May 17, 2019
Bernie’s from Big Government and he’s here to “help.”
Yeah, government run schools have done such a great job…
— Uncle JZ (@jeremyzeo) May 17, 2019
They're accountable to the kids and parents who attend. If they are growing that means there's a demand, you idiot. https://t.co/6OfoYtdIeT
— Jason Heard (@jheard15) May 17, 2019
If this kook is nominated Trump will easily be reelected. https://t.co/P6QAJecw3o
— ?They're Us? (@CAGOPUnknown) May 17, 2019
Approx. 85% of Charter Schools are non-profit.
Either Bernie is trying to put one over on his supporters Or he will drop the 'for profit' qualifier. https://t.co/tWAi8XGTDv
— Alain41 (@CestAlain) May 17, 2019
He’s sure got his priorities:
So according to Sanders:
Taxpayer funded abortion = constitutional right
Sending kids to private school on your own dime = illegal https://t.co/K90RY7yFSr
— Ryan Everson (@ryanpeverson) May 17, 2019
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