Today on Fox News, Juan Williams said that he thought calling HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to testify was “pure theater.”
@RolandoTrentini @UofMGal Can't believe the lengths some people will go in making a fool of themselves to protect this president.
— Brandy1137??❤️?? (@brandy1137) October 30, 2013
According to Williams, the surrounding issues, from the website disaster to Obama’s “if you like your plan you can keep it” broken promise that has led to so many losing their current insurance to concerns about cyber security, are not the big deal the Republicans are making them. Somebody hasn’t lost his current insurance due to Obamacare:
Does Special Report put Juan Williams on the air to see how many stupid things he can say in 20 Minutes?
— Rich Derbis (@rcdarmy) October 30, 2013
On Juan Williams planet 14 million people is small potatoes, wow just wow.
— Gus Esquivel ?????? (@Guszilla) October 30, 2013
@BretBaier Juan Williams doesn't think Obama lied. Ok then let call it "Spin"after all Obama is a master spinner. A lie is a lie is a lie!
— Millennium Mayor (@MillenniumMayor) October 30, 2013
Here’s video of Williams spinning like a top for the administration:
Williams would be saying the same thing if W were still president and the law was called “Bush-care” … right?
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