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Compare CBS News' 2022 'fact-check' of GOP claims about expanded IRS to their new story

Earlier today we told you about a CBS News report showing how the IRS that’s being expanded thanks to funding in the ironically-titled “Inflation Reduction Act” won’t just be increasing their focus on the rich, but also waitresses, gig workers, etc:


And with that, another great moment in “journalism” was spotted:

In October 2022, conveniently a month before the midterm elections, this was CBS News’ “fact-check” on GOP claims that the expanded IRS won’t just be scrutinizing the wealthy:

Are the claims true?

No, the claims are outdated and misleading. While the IRS will be getting $80 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act passed in August, the IRS has not yet released a plan for the money. In August, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen sent a memo to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig directing the agency to deliver a plan within six months on how the funding will be used over the next decade. Yellen also had another directive for the agency regarding new personnel and which Americans shouldn’t see more audits.

“Any additional resources—including any new personnel or auditors that are hired—shall not be used to increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels,” she wrote in a letter. In a separate letter to the Senate, Rettig, a Trump appointee, also stated the resources are “absolutely not about increasing audit scrutiny on small businesses or middle-income Americans.”


And of course now we have the chaser from yesterday:

Maybe Elon Musk should expand the labeling of some media outlets:

As usual when the media “debunks” claims from Republicans their sources are often claims from Democrats. The DNC-run media is so predictable.


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