Make sure to wear oven mitts before attempting to handle one of the latest opinion pieces served up by CNN, because it’s the hottest of hot takes:
Well, Biden’s certainly transformed the “incoming presidents always have a press conference” tradition!
How delusional do you have to be to believe this?
— Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) March 5, 2021
You can’t spell CNN without the N in “delusional.”
They’re trying so, so hard!
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) March 5, 2021
In a way, it depends on what your definition of “transformative” is:
If by "transformative" they mean he will be transforming into Kamala Harris, then yes. I believe he will be the most transformative President ever.
— Shashi Galore (@shashigette) March 5, 2021
If by "transformative" they mean transforming the presidency into a figurehead role while a series of unaccountable staffers run the country, then yes.
— FirstGen (@FirstGenShooter) March 5, 2021
It’s true though-he’s transforming the gov into “governing by unelected people behind the scenes”
— Robin Venet (@robinvenet) March 5, 2021
I mean, he's breaking glass ceilings all over. Rich white guy, career politician, not afraid to bomb smallish brown people a world away. He's a game changer.
— Beard and Circus (@Shooter_ptpx01) March 5, 2021
Another aspect to the story is quite special: Apparently the federal government doesn’t control enough of our lives:
"Here then is America's opportunity. We should expand the role of the federal government and find the extra tax revenues to support that increase," says Jeffrey D. Sachs.
— CNN Opinion (@CNNOpinion) March 5, 2021
This just keeps getting more ridiculous.
We need to reduce government in our lives not increase it. The bigger the federal government the less individual freedom we have.
— ctengland1974 (@ctengland1974) March 5, 2021
It’s hilarious how the wish is to increase the size of government (which will bring with it job and business-killing regulations) while “finding” extra tax revenues to pay for it. Good luck with that!
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