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German Woman Demonstrates Condoms to Migrants


I wish I spoke German. There's been a lot of news out of Germany this week and I have to trust what people post about it. There was, of course, the Afghan immigrant who went on a stabbing spree at a "far-right anti-Islamic" rally, killing a police officer. Maybe Muslims going around stabbing people is contributing to these Islamophobic gatherings.

I also wish I knew what they were singing here. Liberal white woman will be the death of civilization, and this song/T-shirt combo is apparently in reaction to "auslander raus," which Google tells me means "foreigners out."

On New Year's Eve in 2015, dozens of women were sexually assaulted in Cologne, Germany, allegedly by men of “Arab or North African” descent. The New York Times, not surprisingly, asked if Germany was at fault for doing an ineffective job of integrating the Muslim men into German society. ARD, a consortium of public TV and radio stations, attempted to address that problem by publishing an illustrated guide showing Germany’s new immigrant population how to treat German women with respect.

That was 2016. Now it's 2024, and Europe is still holding the door wide open for immigrants, mostly single Muslim men who have absolutely no intention of assimilating into German society. If this post is correct, they're still trying to assimilate these "newcomers."

President Biden just called Japan "xenophobic" for not wanting mass immigration.

I know I'm a xenophobe for wanting Europe to curtail mass immigration, and I don't even live there. As we reported, Scotland just passed a hate speech law under which criticizing migrants can be prosecuted, even if it's a meme on your phone.




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