When Speaker Nancy Pelosi let it be known she’d be calling for a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump at 5 p.m., little did she know she’d set the countdown for when the Trump campaign would release its video supercut of Democrats calling for Trump’s impeachment for years.
Also waiting in the wings: a statement from the Republican National Committee calling for Joe Biden to release transcripts of all of his calls with Ukraine and China:
The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP: pic.twitter.com/32qTyfOeWT
— Marianna Sotomayor (@MariannaNBCNews) September 24, 2019
President Trump has said he’ll release a full, unredacted transcript of his call with Ukraine’s president Wednesday, leaving the ball in Biden’s court to release his own transcripts.
One thing to note from this RNC statement, which claims Biden wanted the prosecutor fired for investigating a company his son advised: Bloomberg found & reported that the prosecutor had already shelved the investigation when Biden called for his firinghttps://t.co/GGVpuroWOy
— Marianna Sotomayor (@MariannaNBCNews) September 24, 2019
One thing to note from that second tweet from NBC News: there’s no mention of the video of Biden bragging that he threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid unless the prosecutor were sent packing.
Fair ask https://t.co/JqDeKC2Njw
— Vader (@vaderbaiter) September 24, 2019
In light of his bragging about getting the Ukraine prosecutor fired, Biden needs to release the formal government guidance he was given regarding his participation in government work that impacted his son’s business dealings. https://t.co/1zVSwoVooS
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) September 24, 2019
— Katie Yonke (@JKHomestead) September 24, 2019
If Ukraine is on the table, then it is on the table for everyone involved. I'll take the correspondence with Congress and Ukraine during that same time period while we're at it.
— Charles Dunkley (@cedunkley) September 24, 2019
I concur, full transparency is the way to get to the truth here!
— random thoughts (@musings_n) September 24, 2019
Totally fair.
— julesie (@justjules99) September 24, 2019
Trump is going to out flank the swamp and WIN again. Just like he’s been doing throughout his presidency. Yawn.
— Mark Godley (@MGodley2) September 24, 2019
Agreed, it's imperative that Biden proves he had no conflict of interest in this story or it may backfire.
— Gustavo (@Gu_rebel) September 24, 2019
??? here it comes. Impeachment backfire!!!???
— Kevin D. Monaghan (@KevinDMonaghan) September 24, 2019
— Dade Lee Murphy (@ZERO_COOL_DLM) September 24, 2019
— World View (@realconsrv1) September 24, 2019
@JudicialWatch Can you possibly get in some requests on FOIA and help get these transcripts like you have so many other cases.. I personally would like to know what was said. You guys have been so helpful in getting to the truth.
— 忍者 (@Ninja_Jim_) September 24, 2019
As a private citizen, Biden’s in no position to be declassifying transcripts, but this might be a shot over the bow from the Trump campaign.
Trump campaign already had a fundraising video ready to go when impeachment inquiry was announced https://t.co/4BKtfaO168
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) September 24, 2019
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