Rolling Stone, which really should have been sued out of existence over that completely bogus “A Rape on Campus” fiction, has now done a piece on Andy Ngo … not on his talents as an independent journalist who gets right into the thick of things, but as one who has managed to get the mainstream media on board with his cause: “demonizing antifa.”
Considering we have the footage of Ngo being surrounded by antifa goons, having some liquid dumped on his head, being struck in the head and given a brain hemorrhage, and having his camera equipment stolen, it’s not like Ngo had to do a lot to “demonize” antifa, the black-clad goons who hide their faces and intimidate journalists and encourage police to kill themselves.
How Andy Ngo managed to get the mainstream media to follow his cause: demonizing antifa
— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) September 3, 2019
They do a pretty good job of that themselves.
— pneumataster (@neontaster) September 3, 2019
Yeah. I’m sure he wanted to get his brain bashed in. All part of his plan! ?
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) September 3, 2019
In the same way Sharon Tate managed to make Charles Manson look bad.
— Maximillion Awesome (@Longjocks) September 3, 2019
That’s an interesting perspective on this story – yikes
— Becko (@beckodotcom) September 3, 2019
Might want to re-think the wording of that tweet bruh.
Because right now it seems like you're down playing the horrific and life threatening beating he received from those domestic terrorists.— OtherBarry (@OtherBarryM8) September 3, 2019
Yeah, because it's so deceptive to "demonize" people who wear masks, travel in packs, and beat people up because they treat political rhetoric with which they disagree as if it is physical violence.
Funny how that was easy to demonize when the KKK did the same thing decades ago.
— (((L.N. Smithee))) (@LNSmithee) September 3, 2019
Woke 2019: Rolling Stone defends an angry mob of white guys who put an Asian journalist in the hospital.
Because…down with white supremacy or whatnot.
— Rachel ???? (@RaychelTania) September 3, 2019
There are several, factual inaccuracies in this piece of "journalism".
— ckferrache (@ckferrache) September 3, 2019
When has Rolling Stone ever gotten anything wrong? But, come on, check this out:
Quote from the article: "In the ever-expanding right-wing media ecosystem, there is plenty of room for trolls with a knack for video-editing software."
— Cᴜʀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ Lɪʙᴇʀᴛᴀʀɪᴀɴ (@checkmatestate) September 3, 2019
Yeah, and he used CGI to insert that object thrown at his head, and the cement or whatever was poured over his head.
Any time I've ever seen people say Ngo is a con artist, that he faked the attack, or that he has a history of violence himself they can never back it up. I ask for examples and they just scream at me about how the burden of proof doesn't lie with them after making those claims.
— LindTaylorWuzHere (@LindWuz) September 3, 2019
This is just revolting.
— Nicholas (@nickxcast) September 3, 2019
It shouldn't be so hard for media to be honest, but here we are.
— pirkster (@pirkster_jax) September 3, 2019
They should be demonized
— Susan K (@SusanK21) September 3, 2019
Nine Antifa thugs were arrested in Boston over the weekend for assaulting police officers. It isn’t just Andy who thinks they should be demonized…
— ALX ?? (@alx) September 3, 2019
The media won't condemn violent domestic terrorists because they fully support them. ⤵️
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) September 3, 2019
Here for the ratio.
— XavierAngelRenegade (@stef0knee) September 3, 2019
Wait! So radical left anti first amendment attacks Andy, attacks police, puts him in the hospital to further his agenda? You’re a joke.
Stick to music. Journalism is not your strong suit.
— Kambree Kawahine Koa (@KamVTV) September 3, 2019
Great "journalism" – hacks.
— Rosebud ? (@Rosebudd40) September 3, 2019
Ah yes, brilliant plan! He got his head bashed in in an attempt to demonize that peaceful group. He sure got lucky they lost their heads for that quick second. #deleteyouraccount
— Anne (@anne_lh3) September 3, 2019
I miss the days when Rolling Stone would just set up an entire frat as rapists, instead of arguing that an Asian man is "demonizing antifa".
Neat trick that… demonizing the guys setting Starbucks on fire, covering their faces, and literally BEATING HIM UP.— John Abbott (@johnabbottnet) September 3, 2019
I wonder who the editors are for todays mens magazines like GQ, Rolling Stone, etc. They are all far left, and hate anyone who dares be right of centre, or even centre right for that matter. They have become stale, boring, and monolithic, the 2020's hopefully ditch the woke sh*t
— Veneration (@depthhidden) September 3, 2019
@RollingStone going low. Very low.
— The Tardigrade (@tardigrade946) September 3, 2019
By getting attacked by violent extremist scum in Portland?
Yeah, I'm sure Andy loved getting concussed.
What a shit take from a shit writer. "Journalist" isn't the right word for this smear merchant.
— FHS Badger (@FHSBadger) September 3, 2019
Ratio in action
— Danillo (@Danillaco) September 3, 2019
If this story were done involving a non conservative journalist and a right wing group, all hell would break loose. Rolling Stone would issue an apology but still face boycotts and public shaming. We've hit a new low, folks.
— Tired of the political fighting (@tired_fighting) September 3, 2019
I guess the Boston Bomber is more your speed.
— ariel jones ? (@arieljones411) September 3, 2019
Ouch. True, but ouch.
So Andy’s skirt was too short and he was asking for it?
— ShredderGirl (@ShredderBabe) September 3, 2019
— Whip (@EWhip4) September 3, 2019
Holy shit what happened to Rolling Stone!?
— NecroDoomMonkey (@necrodoommonkey) September 3, 2019
Heaven forfend people demonize extremists! Forget left and right. The real fight is between good people and extremists. You've picked the wrong side.
— Christopher (@widnesiac) September 3, 2019
Don't mind me.. just watching @RollingStone dig it's own grave.
— nickvmeel (@nickvmeel) September 3, 2019
'Woke Twitter reports': Rolling Stone beclowns themselves with piece explaining how Betsy Ross flag is a symbol of white supremacy
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) July 3, 2019
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