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Aaron Rupar thinks white people at a Trump rally in Iowa is tweet-worthy

Twitchy readers are very familiar with journalist, Aaron Rupar. He has a tendency to tweet silly things that we like to poke fun at and last night was no exception. He found the presence of WHITE PEOPLE at a Trump rally in IOWA worth tweeting about and we in turn find that worth laughing about.


Yes. Most of the population of Iowa is white. What will Aaron do with himself if there is a rally in Idaho, Wyoming, or West Virginia? Do we need to point out the white populations of each state rallies are held from here on out or can we just assume sometimes white people may show their faces in public spaces?

YUP.  We can not believe white people had the nerve to be out and about in general, much less have the nerve to show a political preference!


OK, we know it is a lefty gimme joke, but in the middle of all the white, it still made us laugh so it was included. We are sorry, but we are not sorry. It was still funny.

Good tweet indeed. Well, probably not good for Aaron in general, but good for Twitchy because it made us laugh.

Maybe don’t be surprised when white folks show up in IOWA next time Aaron, there are  A LOT of them there!


Editor’s Note:

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