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Thank you, Democrats. No Really, We Owe You One

Laughable: Thespian and Podcaster BLASTED for Saying Parents Are Unqualified to Homeschool


If there was one silver lining from the disaster that was COVID lockdowns and virtual learning, it's the growth of homeschooling and the diversity of people who have decided to homeschool.


But homeschooling makes certain Leftists very, very mad. They are livid that the state doesn't have its claws in some children, who might not be learning about 57 genders or that 2+2 = 4 is 'white supremacy.'

Meet Matthew Taylor who, according to his Twitter/X bio, is a thespian and podcaster.

He has opinions on homeschooling.

His opinions are garbage, but he has them.

Don't worry, though, he's getting a lesson in what happens when you come for homeschooling moms.

Very laughable.

How is he qualified to determine who is and isn't qualified to teach?

A lot of homeschoolers aren't religious; they just want better educational options for their children.



Their one-size-fits-all education model is the way to go.

She is correct.

Yes it is.

'Stop acting like a disgruntled pelican.'

We are SO stealing that line.


But he's told us this is impossible.

Self-taught? The horror! The horror!

Very much so.

In many ways, yes.

Arrogance is really a poison, too.


And he totally won't understand why or how it is.

He's got a stereotype in his head, and he's going to cling to it til the bitter end.

Don't give them any ideas.

Gee, we wonder why.

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