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They KNOW BETTER! Kimberley Strassel just absolutely lays INTO the media for clutching their pearls over the word 'spying'

It’s not just Democrats who are OUTRAGED that Barr used the ‘s-word,’ (you know, spying). Nope. The media are doing their part to feed the outrage because HOW DARE Barr use such inflammatory language and blah blah blah and yadda yadda yadda.


Admit it, when you read traditional media it sounds EXACTLY like that.

And c’mon, if there was a possibility that the Trump administration had spied on Hillary you can bet your sweet bippy the media would be yelling that as loudly as they could everywhere. It’s all about WHO is being spied on …

Byron York has plenty of examples.

From the New York Times no less.

Kimberley Strassel took it HOME.

It IS obvious. Media know that Barr’s usage of the word ‘spying’ was absolutely fine. Per Kimberley’s tweet, they are only outraged because they are super invested in defending the FBI and they hate Trump just that much.

You’d think by now they’d have figured out they are only hurting themselves but we suppose narratives die hard. And they’ve been pushing the same stupid narrative for years now.


THAT’S RIGHT! *shakes fist*

As she often does.


‘You’re EXHAUSTING for no good reason.’ Hope Carol Roth got her receipt after OWNING Tom Nichols in heated debate over the media

Straight up FAIL! AOC’s attempted dunk on Betsy DeVos accidentally proves feds have NO business in education and ROFL

BASTA-RIFIC! It just keeps getting WORSE and worse for Michael Avenatti and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving fella

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