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Target already down $9 BILLION, their stock is collapsing, and we’re just getting started

For years, I’ve sat back and watched the Left rant and rage about boycotting Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil A and any corporation, show, book, organization, or person they decide should be destroyed for disagreeing with them politically which they, of course, see as a slight. Or more dramatically, OPPRESSION. And ironically, those same companies, corporations, shows, books, organizations, people, or what have you that they’ve targeted always seem to do BETTER when they’re boycotted.

Probably because these same mouth breathers don’t shop at Hobby Lobby or eat at Chick Fil A anyway so their business isn’t missed. Target, however, is definitely feeling the pinch from conservatives boycotting their stores after they felt it was appropriate to put tuck-friendly bathing suits in the little girl’s section. And it’s not just that they’re supporting Pride because let’s be honest, they’ve been supporting Pride for years and haven’t been boycotted.

But once they decided to target kids? Eh.

Pun intended.

Target is learning the hard way that conservatives don’t PLAY.

It’s been fun watching the media try and pretend we’re these big scary people ATTACKING EMPLOYEES … when the reality is 99.99999% of us are just not shopping there. I can tell you personally I’ve spent $200 at other stores that I would have spent at Target this past week alone, and I know I’m not unique. What Target fails to realize is that moms keep them in business. We do. And just like that, moms can put them out of business.

And moms don’t want little kids wearing Pride clothing designed by a Satanist.

We just don’t.

And they thought wrong.

So wrong.

I don’t know about you guys but I don’t plan on going back unless Target apologizes, owns their mistake, and makes this right. I’ll keep shopping at other stores who care more about selling me products than they do pushing their obnoxious identity politics on me.

Buckle up, Target. It’s only going to get worse. 🙂


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