And you thought living under a cruel dictator didn’t have its benefits.
North Koreans have never looked so svelte.
.@jamescracknell says North Korea is one of only two countries in the world that has "a handle on obesity"
— Sky News (@SkyNews) April 18, 2017
Hey folks! You may be starving to death but at LEAST you aren’t fat.
Oh, and it’s not just North Korea he praised …
Other is Cuba, citing as examples of intervention controlling/influencing behavioural change funnily enough not the route the U.K. adopts
— James Cracknell (@jamescracknell) April 18, 2017
Sounds like you need the government to starve its people if you actually want to have a ‘handle’ on obesity.
Shameful! NK doesn't have a handle on it: it's the tragic by-product of a vicious, brutal regime where millions have died of starvation.
— Neil Saunders (@NeilRetail) April 18, 2017
But none of them were fat!
"…as South Koreans have got richer and taller, North Korean children are being stunted by malnourishment."
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) April 18, 2017
Pretty sure Jenny Craig hasn’t pushed that angle with weight loss; “Sure, your kids might not grow as well but at least your ass won’t be fat.”
Right Cracknell?
you misspelt "endemic famine" there mate.
— Ron Kane (@ka8895) April 18, 2017
Indeed he did.
Yep, I believe in a starvation diet… North Korea &Cuba have it hands down, Venezuela will be next, no food =no obesity, except for leaders
— ??Thomas-S Fla?? (@thomassfl) April 18, 2017
See, guys? Living under a brutal communist dictatorship isn't so bad. Less greenhouse gases AND no obesity!
— Ian McKelvey (@ian_mckelvey) April 18, 2017
Whoohoo! Let’s hear it for starvation and malnourishment! Because no country starves its people like North Korea does … well, except maybe Cuba.
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