This is not surprising …
.@timkaine: Perennially “F” rated by the #NRA during his tenure at both the state and federal levels… #VPDebate
— NRA (@NRA) October 5, 2016
And proud of it.
— Tim Kaine (@timkaine) October 5, 2016
But only a Democrat would be proud of FAILING when it comes to protecting the rights of Americans, even the ones they personally disagree with.
Psh, they’ll just dig up some dead ones for votes, don’t you worry.
not sure why you're proud. Your F rating means you don't support our Constitution. Move to Sweden or China, you'll fit in. @NRA
— El Kevino (@El_Kevino85) October 6, 2016
Because like other Democrats, Kaine doesn’t understand our rights are INHERENT and not granted by any government.
Also flew an F in your debate performance last night @timkaine @HillaryClinton
— Obama Did Screw Us (@obamascrewingus) October 5, 2016
It was pretty bad. When even CNN said Pence won, yeah, Kaine should have gotten an F for his debate performance – wonder if he’d be proud of THAT one?
Why do you trust a woman to kill a baby, but not the guy who just kicked down her back door? Because that guy votes for you? @NRA
— While Supplies Last (@corrcomm) October 5, 2016
Because only certain lives matter to Democrats, the ones they can use for their agenda, silly. Don’t bother Kaine with reality, he has no time for that, he’s busy failing at protecting our rights.
Spoken like a true Federalist (Democrat) Hate & Loathing for Bill Of Rights in US Constitution. @timkaine
— RC Hayden (@rchayden) October 5, 2016
Like Obama said, that mean ol’ Constitution is a barrier and it’s become more painfully clear every day Democrats in general get an F when it comes to the Bil of Rights.
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