It looks like Sean Spicer will miss what’s sure to be a raucous press briefing today:
For what could be a particularly high-stakes press briefing tomorrow, WH announces it will put out Sarah Huckabee Sanders instead of Spicer.
— Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) May 10, 2017
The announcement came late last night after Sanders was interviewed by Tucker Carlson and said it’s time to “move on” from the Russian investigation:
White House briefing tomorrow is with Sarah Huckabee Sanders, not Sean Spicer, per schedule:
— Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) May 10, 2017
Video here:
Deputy White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on the Russia investigation: "It's time to move on”
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) May 10, 2017
According to Bloomberg’s Jennifer Jacobs, Spicer is scheduled for Navy reserve duty today:
Trump's lead spokesman, Sean Spicer, scheduled today for Navy reserve duty, with deputy press sec Sarah Huckabee Sanders handling briefing.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) May 10, 2017
Sanders was up early this morning and got into with the “Morning Joe” crew, with Mika Brzezinski basically calling her a liar:
.@morningmika to Sarah Huckabee Sanders: 'You're actually not telling the truth right now!"
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) May 10, 2017
And here’s Joe Scarborough slapping back when Sanders tried to “twist his words” on there being no evidence of collusion between the Trump administration and Russia:
Trump spox Sarah Huckabee Sanders explains why she said last night it's “time to move on” from Russia investigation
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) May 10, 2017
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