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Did Politico just bust the Donald Trump narrative on new voters?


Donald Trump loves to say on the campaign trail that he’s brought in “millions of new voters” to the Republican party, but according to a new analysis by Politico’s Shane Goldmacher that’s just not true:

An excerpt:

While Trump’s insurgent candidacy has spurred record-setting Republican primary turnout in state after state, the early statistics show that the vast majority of those voters aren’t actually new to voting or to the Republican Party, but rather they are reliable past voters in general elections. They are only casting ballots in a Republican primary for the first time.

It is a distinction with profound consequences for the fall campaign.

If Trump isn’t bringing the promised wave of new voters into the GOP, it’s far less likely the Manhattan businessman can transform a 2016 Electoral College map that begins tilted against the Republican Party. And whether Trump’s voters are truly new is a question of urgent interest both to GOP operatives and Hillary Clinton and her allies, who have dispatched their top analytics experts to find the answer.


Now we find out this out?

Read the whole thing here.


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