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Media misinformation police don't seem to have a problem with questioning election integrity when Barack Obama does it

The midterm elections are less than a year and a half away, and former President Barack Obama is already helping get the narrative set in a way that would catch the attention of fact-checkers if he wasn’t a Democrat:


From The Hill:

Former President Obama on Friday blasted voting laws being pushed by Republicans across the country, suggesting that lawmakers championing such electoral changes are “rigging the game.”

“That’s the kind of dangerous behavior that we’re going to have to push back on,” Obama said during an event with the Economic Club of Chicago while mentioning a GOP voting law enacted in Georgia law month.

Obama said that the law creates “a different set of rules for how votes are counted in Atlanta versus how they’re counted in the rest of Georgia.”

Wow, if a Republican talked like that the MSM would probably give it the “Big Lie” treatment, but Obama obviously gets a pass.


There are no double standards like media and Big Tech double standards.

Nope, because Obama is on the “proper” side of the argument.

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