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Vox: Conservatives dominate the news with 'unimportant nonsense' like the migrant caravan or Fast & Furious

Vox is known for hot takes, but note how you don’t even have to read past the tweet to be told that the deadly Fast and Furious gun-running scandal, Hillary Clinton’s off-the-grid homebrew email server, and the 7,000-person migrant caravan intent on overwhelming our Southern border are all “unimportant nonsense.” (Don’t worry, we’ll get to Benghazi.)


So now Vox is going to tell us that Republicans shape the news, even after every liberal on Twitter has confirmed that Fox News is the only cable news outlet with a conservative bias?

Blame this hot mess on Matthew Yglesias:

The hack gap has two core pillars. One is the constellation of conservative media outlets — led by Fox News and other Rupert Murdoch properties like the Wall Street Journal editorial page, but also including Sinclair Broadcasting in local television, much of AM talk radio, and new media offerings such as Breitbart and the Daily Caller — that simply abjure anything resembling journalism in favor of propaganda.

The other is that the self-consciousness journalists at legacy outlets have about accusations of liberal bias leads them to bend over backward to allow the leading conservative gripes of the day to dominate the news agenda. Television producers who would never dream of assigning segments where talking heads debate whether it’s bad that the richest country on earth also has millions of children growing up in dire poverty think nothing of chasing random conservative shiny objects, from “Fast & Furious” (remember that one?) to Benghazi to the migrant caravan.

As a matter of fact, we do remember Fast and Furious. We even remember the name of the Border Patrol agent killed because of that botched operation: Brian Terry. Remember the name of the ambassador killed in Benghazi? We do: Chris Stevens. Better yet, remember the YouTube video that started it all?


OK, and the idea that CNN and the New York Times are “bending over backward” to avoid accusations of liberal bias? Please.


Here’s a great mini-thread:



This is bad, even for Vox.


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