According to CBS News, the under-looked news story in an Instagram post by actress Amber Tamblyn (“Inside Amy Schumer,” “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants”) was the unveiling of the name of her baby with husband David Cross … a “humble-brag” on Tamblyn’s part, seeing as Hillary Clinton helped leak the confidential info.
Amber Tamblyn reveals baby name via Hillary Clinton humble-brag:
— CBS News (@CBSNews) March 14, 2017
Thanks to Clinton, Tamblyn’s daughter will always know she was a source of great joy for her parents and not just another of those thousands of live births that resulted from the Great Planned Parenthood Defunding of 2017.
This complicates the nation’s family tree a bit, because even if you buy Chris Rock’s theory that being president and first lady made Barack and Michelle Obama “kind of like the mom and the dad of the country,” then how does losing the 2016 election make Hillary “grandmother to us all”?
Congrats on the baby, though. Feel free to click over to CBS News for answers to all your other questions, like:
who cares
— Deana Bolletta (@DeanaBolletta) March 14, 2017
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Say WHAT, now? Has Vox’s health care expert forgotten how babies are made?
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) March 14, 2017
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