In the wee hours of Nov. 9, Jonathan Chait declared Donald Trump’s victory “the worst thing that has happened in my life,” which means 1) he’s a very lucky man, and 2) his liberal bona fides are irrefutable.
However, Chait did find himself in a bit of trouble this week when he suggested, after the Washington Post reported that the Women’s March on Washington wasn’t attracting a lot of male participants, that perhaps poor branding was to blame; that is, maybe some men assumed the Women’s March was, you know, a women’s march.
Any men who were planning next weekend’s activities under that mistaken assumption have no excuse now — Salon has stepped up and delivered engraved invitations.
Dear men: Here is your engraved invitation to join the Women’s March on Washington
— Salon (@Salon) January 15, 2017
Dang, all the guy said was the name could have been clearer … maybe the March for Women or something?
Salon managing editor Erin Keane has published a piece that would have no chance of fitting inside a dinky folded piece of card stock, and cautions men that while they are encouraged to participate, they will be put to work … maybe lifting heavy objects or something? “You will not automatically be put in charge,” she warns, “which might be a shock to some of your systems.”
Perhaps after this march you can have your own painful and necessary dialogues about why you waited for women to organize a powerful show of resistance and then, instead of being grateful for the opportunity to participate, some of you pouted about not having a seat at the planning table. Perhaps you can have your own painful and necessary dialogues about being in thrall to superficial branding over substance, because this march and the movement it is galvanizing are about women’s lives, not our lifestyles, and deserve to be treated with accordant gravity.
In thrall to superficial branding? Speaking of branding, guess Trump’s election is now the second worst thing that has happened in Jonathan Chait’s life, ’cause he just got burned by Salon.
Who’s more jazzed than ever to march next weekend?
Keane says “it would be great if activists didn’t have to pause their work to have these conversations with women whose feelings are hurt by an intersectional focus to help them figure out how to move past their personal responses.”
Sorry for manterrupting, but yes, still having race issues.
They can't even decide if all women are welcome and equally valued. You "Progressives" are the saddest collection of sad clowns ever.
— "It's Always Jimmy in Philadelphia" (@JimmyMcSavage) January 15, 2017
But you’ll still be marching, yes?
Thanks, but we're busy that day.
— Man Points! Podcast (@TacoBellPicasso) January 15, 2017
No thanks. We're good.
— takashi I hate everything yamamoto (@drunkenalpaca) January 15, 2017
Washing my hair.
— Brain (@waddatwit) January 15, 2017
I wouldn't attend if it was in my living room next to my recliner
— jp (@coxin_jon) January 15, 2017
Will there be sammiches?
— Daniel (@ddwalk34) January 15, 2017
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