The Left Is Relentless in Trying to Control Language and We CANNOT Let...
Axios Poses the Burning Question: Why Do Grocery Prices 'FEEL' High? (Twitter's Got...
Monday Morning Meme Madness
Outlaw President: Legal Scholars Highlight Reversible Errors in Trump’s New York Trial
Nina Turner Doesn't Want People 'With Felonies' Vilified Unless It's This Person (Guess...
It’s National Gun Violence Awareness Month Again and the Cauliflower in Chief Has...
Here's Why the Left and Right are Different
America's Least Favorite Meathead Takes Victory Lap Riddled With Rakes
Let Them Fight: Free Palestine Protestors Block Philly Pride Event (WATCH)
Sen. Roger Marshall: Dr. Fauci 'Must Answer for His Involvement Leading Up to...
Regarding 'Trump Verdict and Polls,' Byron York Counsels: 'Wait Two or Three Weeks'
Thank you, Democrats. No Really, We Owe You One
Thread from Former FEC Chairman Whose Testimony Merchan Refused to Allow in Trump...
'They F**KED Up and They KNOW It': Dan Bongino Goes OFF in Straight-FAFO...
'ABUSE of the Law': Patricia Heaton's 'Politics for Dummies' Post on Trump Verdict...

Tamir Rice activists pressure LeBron James to lead collective sit-out

Once again a proud Cleveland Cavalier, NBA superstar LeBron James is being pressured by students and activists to lead a collective sit-out of the team until the rookie policeman who shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice last year is imprisoned. The effort, being promoted with the hashtag #NoJusticeNoLeBron, was inspired by Monday’s announcement that a grand jury would not indict the officer and his partner.



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