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GOP Tax Bill
Sen. Chuck Schumer thinks repeating 'The GOP tax law didn't work' makes it true
Brett T.
HELPFUL! DNC admits (with a simple 4-letter word) what they want to do with YOUR money
Doug P.
'Armageddon' ULTRA lite? Dan Pfeiffer's suggested election strategy for libs is 'classic Dem messaging'
Doug P.
HORROR! More DEADLY crumb fallout from 'Armageddon' spotted (Paging Nancy Pelosi)
Doug P.
NUT FREE ZONE: Here's Some of the Most EXPLODINGLY Funny Pager Memes Following Hezbollah Pager Explosions
Could Joe Walsh Sink Any Lower?
Rashida Tlaib Finds the Exploding Pager Memes 'Disgusting'
What Happened in Lebanon - Beyond the Memes
'SAD!' Guy Benson points and laughs at Dems' level of 'conspiratorial desperation' over tax cuts
Doug P.
'STEP UP, HOLLYWOOD!' Here's a hilarious tax form option Dems would LOVE (or maybe not)
Doug P.
BRUTAL: Home Depot co-founder NUKES Pelosi & Dems' tax cut opposition (and libs are PISSED) [video]
Doug P.
'Insane'! Guess what Calif. Dems want to do with businesses tax cut savings
Doug P.
MIC DROP: Charlie Kirk DEMOLISHES Nancy Pelosi for calling $2K bonuses 'crumbs'
Beth Baumann
Dems at '#GOPTaxScam Teach-Ins' try to spin lack of tax cut death & destruction
Doug P.
Prediction FAIL: Watch a parade of media tax bill self-beclowning in 120 hilarious seconds
Doug P.
Armageddon continues as Fiat Chrysler, Capital One pay bonuses, raise minimum wage
Brett T.
Attn. Rep. Pelosi! Here's what % of workers will be getting 'pathetic' tax cut 'crumbs'
Doug P.
Status of Nancy Pelosi's tax reform 'Armageddon' warning: DELAYED (yet again)
Doug P.
MORE 'Armageddon'? Nancy Pelosi's 'end of the world' tax bill fear mongering takes ANOTHER hit
Doug P.
Attn. Nancy Pelosi! AP bombshell finds GOP tax plan having DEVASTATING impact (on Dems' narrative)
Doug P.
AWW: Barbra Streisand's GOP tax bill blues causes run on tiny violins
Doug P.
BURN: Sharyl Attkisson TORCHES Bernie Sanders and his 'patriotic millionaires'
Doug P.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo calls GOP tax reform plan 'economic civil war'
Brett T.
ARMAGEDDON: Southwest Airlines to give out cash bonuses following tax reform passage; Update: American too
Brett T.
Come ON! NY Times comes up with DOOZY of a spin on tax cuts
Doug P.
D'OH! Vox punches Dems' GOP tax bill narrative in the mouth in haste to jab Trump
Doug P.
WHOOPS: NY Gov. Cuomo's 'all-out assault on GOP tax bill' wrecks tax-happy state DEMS
Doug P.
Actress Jenna Fischer wins applause for what she just did about her incorrect tax bill tweet
Doug P.
LOL: Here's how The Nation defines 'tax cuts' with 2018 elections around the corner
Doug P.
D'OH! Jon Favreau defends actress's bogus tax bill tweet, accidentally slams lib Hollywood
Doug P.
Woke Bill Kristol rains on corporate bonuses, is bitten by old tweet
Brett T.
UH OH! Sarah Sanders kicks lefty hornets' nest with tax cut reality check for 'liberal elites'
Doug P.
WATCH: Dems' 'middle class hardest hit' tax bill narrative takes FATAL blow from... CBS News?
Doug P.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz gets laughed off Twitter stage after swipe at GOP tax bill
Doug P.
'Armageddon' spreadin'! Trump signing tax cut bill triggers alarm in... Australia?
Doug P.
OMG! Trump signed the GOP Tax Bill and PEOPLE ARE DYING; not really, but the Left's reaction is PRICELESS
Sam J.
Fake news: Jennifer Rubin says $75 'does nothing' for low income families
Brett T.
Blue-check comedian says those bonuses are corporations' way of mainstreaming Trump's racism
Brett T.
LOL: USA Today's swing at GOP tax plan accidentally hits Dem narrative in the kneecaps
Doug P.
D'OH! Dem narrative ridiculing amount of middle class tax cut gets SHREDDED by... Obama
Doug P.
FAIL: Blue check writer spins deleted racist insult of Tim Scott (NOBODY'S buying it)
Doug P.
Ted Lieu spins the tax bill: It's all about how jealous little Sally FEELS about her skimpy tax cut
Brett T.
'I don't WANT a tax cut': Whiny scientist given PLENTY of options what to do with it
Brett T.
Reporter skeptical of AT&T's bonus announcement given a quick math lesson
Brett T.
Tim Scott EMBARRASSES blue check lefty who called him a 'prop' at Trump's tax cut celebration
Doug P.
Right on cue! Hillary Clinton's arrived to help Dems channel their tax cut 'outrage' (Hint: $$)
Doug P.
Flee the tax cuts! Bette Midler suggests safe space after GOP tax bill passes
Doug P.
Word of the day! Sens. Sanders & Warren DEFINITELY got this week's lib talking points memo
Doug P.
NAILED it! Buck Sexton captures insanity of Left's evolving GOP tax bill panic
Doug P.
THWAP! Kamala Harris stomps on O-care rake in rush to warn about GOP tax bill
Doug P.
UH OH! Ben Shapiro telling Trump how to get on Mt. Rushmore TRIGGERS Rosie O.
Doug P.
UNHINGED: Rosie O'Donnell offers MEGA-BUCKS to GOP pols who stop tax bill
Doug P.
'DEMS can shut up NOW.' Jake Tapper shares tax cut FACTS from #TaxCutsandJobsAct (all good!)
Sam J.
EPIC: Guy Benson DECIMATES Leftist rhetoric around the GOP Tax Bill with Leftist source (ha!)
Sam J.