Results for: Hayward

'Democracy rebooted with an authoritarian core': Here's a great thread on Gen. Mark Milley and the deep state…great-thread-on-gen-mark-milley-and-the-deep-state-n2046867
– — John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 15, 2021 How is what Milley did any different? … " — John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 15, 2021 And now even Lt. Col. … /end — John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 15, 2021 A good point: I don't think it's just the Left.…
Ron Fournier alerts us that 'guns kill people' — that's the tweet
– 25, 2021 People kill people Ron — Matt DeLuca (@MattDeLuca) September 25, 2021 Keyboards type stupid tweets — Paul Hayward
'Wow': Biden asks India's PM not to engage reporters because 'they won't ask any questions on point'…orters-because-they-wont-ask-any-questions-on-point-n2050757
– to inflict on them, swallow every insanely stupid and false thing his press office tells them. — John Hayward
Unexpectedly! It seems that the Taliban are gearing up for more punitive amputations and public executions…for-more-punitive-amputations-and-public-executions-n2050521
– doesn't give a damn about Joe Biden's opinion or the watchful eyes of the international community — John Hayward
AP: Haitian migrants being released in the U.S. on a 'very, very large scale'
– in Haiti unpacking their souvenir bags and regaling their friends with the selfies they took. — John Hayward
John Hayward shows how just one 'magic word' in the Left's justifications for harassing Kyrsten Sinema is a mark of 'every totalitarian regime in history'…a-is-a-mark-of-every-totalitarian-regime-in-history-n2069544
– Conservative writer and commentator John Hayward explains how a word that seems so innocuous can actually be quite dangerous:   … — John Hayward (@Doc_0) October 5, 2021 Every totalitarian regime in history has justified its abuses by claiming its victims … — John Hayward (@Doc_0) October 5, 2021 The weird version of totalitarianism overtaking the U.S. mutated from the "crybully…
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