Results for: Wil Wheaton

DERP ALERT! Wil Wheaton makes failed joke about condoms to support Planned Parenthood…led-joke-about-condoms-to-support-planned-parenthood-n559412
– And of course Wil Wheaton is front and center when it comes to false outrage. … Condoms that taxpayers don't even pay for. — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) January 6, … Hey Wil, see Obamacare.…
MOON ROCKS! Wil Wheaton endorsing Brianna Wu for Congress is the funniest thread you'll read today…for-congress-is-the-funniest-thread-youll-read-today-n666708
– you have Apple Pay. — Brianna Wu (@BriannaWu) April 17, 2018 No, the real stupid is right here, from WilWheaton. … 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) April 17, 2018 Wil.…
Wil Wheaton: 'F*ck the NRA'; Throws hissy fit after Manchin-Toomey gun control legislation failure…after-manchin-toomey-gun-control-legislation-failure-n168930
– Actor and writer Wil Wheaton kept it a bit shorter. Stay classy, Wil. He wasn’t done, though. … Wheaton complained about unhinged crazy on Twitter (conservatives, natch). Unhinged, heal thyself.…
Piers 'Musket' Morgan, Wil Wheaton triggered by America's first gold medal win in Rio…on-triggered-by-americas-first-gold-medal-win-in-rio-n525669
– — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) August 6, 2016 … — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) August 6, 2016 Shut up, Wesley. … — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) August 6, 2016…
Blame the NRA for Arcan Cetin? Yup, Wil Wheaton is still a douche about guns and most things…wheaton-is-still-a-douche-about-guns-and-most-things-n537006
– #FucktheNRA — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) September 25, 2016 Oooooh, Wil is so edgy and tough with his … Nice of Wil to blame the latest shooting on the NRA to avoid the obvious elephant in the room. … Err… Wil?…
Umm, you're a dude? Wil Wheaton scolds 'weak and afraid' men for trying to delegitimize the #WomensMarch…fraid-men-for-trying-to-delegitimize-the-womensmarch-n563191
– We’d explain to Wil Wheaton that men weren’t critical of the Women’s March because they were weak and afraid, but we left our crayons … — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) January 22, 2017 Speaking out against the Women’s March was apparently…
Flashback: Eight prominent liberals who smeared officer Darren Wilson…prominent-liberals-who-smeared-officer-darren-wilson-n392074
– Actor WilWheaton: It's possible to support and believe in good police, while being appalled at the killing of Mike Brown by the monster Darren … — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) November 26, 2014 Former DC mayor Marion Barry: I've been watching the…
John Bolton asks if DNC hack was a 'false flag'; Bonus: Nightmare scenario possible for Alyssa Milano…bonus-nightmare-scenario-possible-for-alyssa-milano-n554689
– — Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 11, 2016 And former Star Trek actor Wil Wheaton adds: Oh it's even better! … — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) December 11, 2016 But his potential nomination for either post could face…
GOP are accessories to murder? Yup, Wil Wheaton is still a DOUCHE about guns and most things…wheaton-is-still-a-douche-about-guns-and-most-things-n649746
– For insightful, rational and calm discussion and discourse after a shooting, one need look no further than Wil Wheaton’s timeline. … Accessories to murder, every last one of them. — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) February … 14, 2018 We still don’t quite get why people like Wil keep blaming the NRA for these shootings, especially when none of the gunmen…
Get Help Wesley - Wil Wheaton Rants at Larry David's Elmo Incident
– It has been a long time since we heard from Star Trek, The Next Generation's Wil Wheaton. … Wil may not be back on Twitter and his account is locked down. … The Star Trek actor and intrepid liberal activist Wil Wheaton posted a screed on Facebook full of rage toward Larry David for viciously…
Strategy decided? Obama to address the nation Wednesday at 9 p.m. EDT regarding ISIS…ress-the-nation-wednesday-at-9-pm-edt-regarding-isis-n352487
– US effort to confront Islamic militants: — AP Politics (@AP_Politics) September 9, 2014 Related: WilWheaton: Republicans trying to scare Americans about ISIS to sway election Geraldo: CNN host a ‘dope’ for believing he wants ISIS…
Dana Loesch vs. @wilw, @everytown, @momsdemand and @shannonrwatts on San Bernardino…ytown-momsdemand-and-shannonrwatts-on-san-bernardino-n579932
– Here’s Twitchy favorite Dana Loesch with a tweetstorm directed at Wil Wheaton … anti-gun lobby won’t discuss. #2A — Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) April 11, 2017 *** Related: After San Bernardino shooting, WilWheaton lashes out at… (just guess) — Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) April 10, 2017 LA Times left out…
Shannon Watts SHOULD be embarrassed for blaming NRA for Mich. courthouse shooting, but is she?…blaming-nra-for-mich-courthouse-shooting-but-is-she-n518148
– Like the illustrious Wil Wheaton, Moms Demand Action founder Shannon … (@nationofreason) July 11, 2016 *** Related: Actor Wil Wheaton already knows who’s to blame for shooting at Michigan courthouse…
Top Snit? 'Top Chef' host and model Padma Lakshmi has snit fit over gun control vote…del-padma-lakshmi-has-snit-fit-over-gun-control-vote-n169328
– Actor and writer Wil Wheaton threw a temper tantrum, and model Chrissy Teigen had an epic meltdown. … : Celebrity hive mind outraged by gun control vote Meltdown: Model Chrissy Teigen curses ‘f*cking GOP’ over Senate gun vote WilWheaton: ‘F*ck the NRA’; Throws hissy fit after Manchin-Toomey gun control legislation failure ‘Hear this, gun nuts’: Michael Moore…
REALLY? Wil Wheaton doesn't think this Mike Pence/Ted Kennedy comparison is fair... to Kennedy…mike-penceted-kennedy-comparison-is-fair-to-kennedy-n577254
– CJN (@CJNIII) March 30, 2017 BUT, it wasn’t “well said” as far as Wil … Wheaton’s concerned: And today's gold medal for laughably false equivalency goes to — Wil 'this account … mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) March 30, 2017 “False equivalency”?…
Wil Wheaton ups his douchebaggery to epic level
– After suggesting Monday night that Republicans were stirring up fear of ISIS to sway the upcoming midterm elections, actor Wil WheatonWheaton didn’t follow up much on followers’ objections that ISIS is doing a fine job of stirring up fear all by itself, but he did…
'Speak up, Wesley': Wil Wheaton under fire after he asks for time to process sexual abuse allegations against his best friend, Chris Hardwick…e-allegations-against-his-best-friend-chris-hardwick-n703550
– — Ani Bundel (@anibundel) June 15, 2018 Hardwick’s best friend, Twitchy regular Will Wheaton, said he needs time before he … — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) June 15, 2018 What BS. … Wil Wheaton can’t speak out against Chris Hardwick without implicating himself in everything that went down and not sound like a lying…
SIT DOWN! Twitter comes together to school kickboxing champ Andrew Tate on Depression…to-school-kickboxing-champ-andrew-tate-on-depression-n610056
– This is profoundly irresponsible. — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) September 8, 2017 … We know, Hell must have frozen over because we agree with Wil Wheaton – but he’s right.…
WOOHOO! BEST day EVER! SJWs are leaving Twitter on #DeactiDay and it's TODAY! There's just 1 problem ...…ter-on-deactiday-and-its-today-theres-just-1-problem-n719830
– #DeactiDay — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) August 15, 2018 Well … bye. … Wait, again, if Wil had taken his own advice wouldn’t he be deactivated by now? And oddly enough, we can pull his tweet. … Former #StarTrek actor Wil Wheaton says Twitter’s primary use is “abuse, misinformation, and harassment,” permanently deactivates account…
'OUCH!' Sci-fi author John Scalzi trolls Star Wars fans on #StarWarsDay
Wil Wheaton) knows that. … — Wil Wheaton (@wilw) May 4, 2014 @scalzi because nerd-dom needs…
Get him a tissue! Wil Wheaton so very TRIGGERED over this simple (and true) statement from Trump…gered-over-this-simple-and-true-statement-from-trump-n552630
– Fucking despicable. — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) December 2, 2016 … (@scale_e) December 2, 2016 Looking at the feed from this tweet you can tell Trump’s honesty bothered more than just Wil: everybody…
'This may be the biggest lie Hillary Clinton has told': Liberals TRASH Hillary over comment on AIDS, Nancy Reagan…rals-trash-hillary-over-comment-on-aids-nancy-reagan-n493392
– Star Trek’s Wil Wheaton: This may be the biggest lie Hillary Clinton has told. … — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) March 11, 2016 Bernie Sander staffer Mike Casca:…
Dallas police say snipers threatened to plant bomb; Shootout suspect in custody, POI turns himself in…omb-shootout-suspect-in-custody-poi-turns-himself-in-n517455
– DallasPD) July 8, 2016 Just for posterity, here are tweets from Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, music producer Diplo, and actor WilWheaton that taken together sum up the sentiment of much of America on the day of the Dallas shootings. … — Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton (@wilw) July 8, 2016  …
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