Meanwhile, in Tenessee, “Two children were hospitalized for intestinal illnesses after their parents could not find the formula they needed”:
HEARTBREAKING: “Two children were hospitalized for intestinal illnesses after their parents could not find the formula they needed.”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 18, 2022
More from WABI TV:
Corkins is currently treating the two children hospitalized. He says is preschool age and the other is a toddler, and both are living with intestinal conditions.
“This is not every child, not normal children, but literally the formula recall has led to these children requiring hospitalization,” Corkins said.
According to Corkins, the children’s bodies did not tolerate the switch to a different formula, when their parents could no longer find the formula they normally use.
Now doctors are treating the children with IV fluids and nutrition until formula becomes available.
Why didn’t these parents just ask their kids’ pediatricians for free samples? Because that’s what the White House is telling people to do over on Instagram:
My wife just alerted me that the official @WhiteHouse advice for mom’s out of baby formula is to call your doctor and ask for free samples
— Brent Scher (@BrentScher) May 18, 2022
Pediatrician @JoeSilverman7 threw some ice-cold water on that strategy, however:
Rep. Katie Porter, if you can believe it, outdid the White House and blamed parents for “buying a lot” of formula:
Democrat Rep. Katie Porter claims Biden has acted "very, very quickly" on the baby formula shortages and blames worried parents "buying a lot."
Biden waited until last week to make his first comments on the shortage.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 18, 2022
So much for her image of “in-touch OC parent”:
Katie Porter crafted a mirage of being an “in-touch OC parent” when in reality her priorities have always been to to put her ideology above her constituents.
— OC Republicans (@OCGOP) May 18, 2022
What’s also amazing is how Dems are circling the wagons over something that should be bipartisan. Here’s the NYT’s Maggie Haberman reminding Senator Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that Sen. Chuck Schumer would’ve been “holding Sunday press conferences about the baby formula shortage for months now”:
One very large difference between majority leader Schumer and senior senator from NY Schumer is the latter would have been holding Sunday press conferences about the baby formula shortage for months now.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) May 18, 2022
But now? Now he has to protect team Biden at all costs:
Issues that affected people’s lives were a staple of what Schumer focused on for years with those press conferences. They were not of uniform significance. But they got attention not just for him but for the issue, in the biggest media market on the east coast.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) May 18, 2022
What a coward:
The formula shortage, which is now at a crisis point, did not become a focal issue in coverage until recently. It’s the kind of issue Schumer would have been lasered in on as a local figure.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) May 18, 2022
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