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Trans Activist Goes on Profane Rant at Minnesota State Capitol


We'd say this looks like an insurrection, but with more than half of the protesters wearing masks, it looks more like a COVID ward. And once this lovely woman with the bullhorn starts shouting, it looks more like an insane asylum. Posters are suggesting that Rep. Leigh Finke incited this mob, who tried to prevent the Minnesota state legislature from getting any work done.


This rant is awfully NSFW, so use earbuds if you can stand it. State Representative Walter Hudson, who we believe shot the video has posted the full 21-minute video. He's also updated his X bio to include "chicken meatball-headed mother f**ker."

Here it is condensed to 10 minutes, although this editor admits he only lasted through two.

What "equal rights" and "bodily autonomy" does this young woman not have in Minnesota?

There's some drama going on in the state legislature. Democratic-Farmers-Labor Party boycotted the first day of the session so the Republicans could not claim a quorum. Minnesota Democrats have filed a petition asking the Minnesota Supreme Court to declare that the state’s Republicans broke the law when members of the House of Representatives declared a quorum and seated positions of power on the first day of the legislative session, according to FOX 9. Republicans have filed their own petition in return. 


That's one of the things the lovely lady was ranting about. This editor wishes he'd bought stock in bullhorn companies back in 2020 — everyone seems to have one now.

These lunatics present more of a physical threat to the legislators than the January 6 rioters did to Rep. AOC.


This woman has more testosterone than Tim Walz.

We guess that's what the protester meant by "bodily autonomy."


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