Serious question, Lefties: what happened to 'believe all women'?
A few days ago, the former sister-in-law of Pete Hegseth tried one last-ditch effort to derail his Secretary of Defense nomination: she submitted a sworn statement to Senators claiming Hegseth abused his ex-wife.
That ex-wife has denied the allegations of abuse multiple times.
So, Lefties. Why don't you believe her? Why don't you listen to her?
We know the answer: because she's not useful to your political efforts. So you ignore her and keep pedaling awful rumors about her marriage that she herself said are untrue.
After Hegseth was confirmed last night, The Wall Street Journal doubled down on that story and ran a statement from the former sister-in-law:
A statement from Danielle Hegseth after the Senate vote to confirm Pete Hegseth: “What happened today will make women who have experienced abuse and mistreatment even less forthcoming …”
— Lindsay Wise (@lindsaywise) January 25, 2025
This is pure rumor/activism that you report without context. You're not a journalist, you're an activist.
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) January 25, 2025
That's exactly what they are.
No one believes you people anymore because you lied too many times.
— EducatëdHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) January 25, 2025
Too many times to count.
She got caught lying and Hegseth's ex wife threatened to sue anyone spreading the lie.
— StormyT 🌿 (@OutLikeA_Lamb) January 25, 2025
We hope she sues.
Save yourself 30 seconds….
— MissUSA1776 (@real_miss_kim) January 25, 2025
Danielle: I’m a raging leftist, ex sister in law, on a power trip and I didn’t get my way, so I’m just going to augment the anonymous BS.
Also, Christine Blasey Ford is my hero.
Really strong Brett Kavanaugh vibes from all this.
Pete’s brother’s ex-wife made allegations of abuse that were denied by Pete’s wife. Without corroboration, it’s a journalistic disgrace to print those allegations.
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) January 25, 2025
And it’s a bigger disgrace a WSJ reporter would put out this statement. You’re not her PR person.
Calling this a 'journalistic disgrace' is an understatement.
Ironic, considering the woman that supposedly experienced the abuse, according to a different woman, explicitly said he never abused her. Hopefully women that would otherwise lie about being abused, will be less forthcoming.
— Dwight’s Apiarist (@PoisonedFoon) January 25, 2025
Exactly. This only discourages women who are lying from coming forward.
Just so everyone is clear here. Danielle Hegseth is the former sister in-law of Hegseth, his x-wife said the information Danielle shared was a lie and never happened.
— Christopher Rich (@chrisfrich) January 25, 2025
And guess which one the Left believes and which one the Left ignores?
Hegseth's actual ex-wife states Danielle is a liar.
— a Statement of Fact (@fringeaggressor) January 25, 2025
So run with this horses**t. We see you.
We see them. We DEFINITELY see them.
Wait, who promised this woman (whose allegation was denied by Hegseth’s ex-wife) that her statement would affect his vote?
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) January 25, 2025
Who was she working with? We should probably find that out.
If only journalists were interested in getting to the bottom of this, instead of repeating debunked claims.
If only.
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